Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | lodestone | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: "Rod said Stroman bluntly, "run to Customer Support and grab one of their Mac SE' Bring power cord Let's settle this once and for all. Minutes later, the Mac was set up, and the shipping version of Master Voice was installed "Let's get this over with said Stroman. Arnie leaned forward to observe the proceedings on the nine- -inch built-in moni itor of the SE Charles shot a look at Skinner, hoping Danny wasn' about to look foolish Danny opened the Alarm Clock, feeling resentful that his expertise on viruses was being challenged. He set the date forward to February fourth, exactly as he had moment bef fore and swallowed hard Then he launched program the final step that seemed to trigger ohe thought. Nothing happened. The rounded corners of the Mac's screen image remained rounded ...